- A program to encrypt/decrypt and modify Diablo III saves. Instructions: Make sure Python3 is installed. Run D3Edit.py with python3. Currently supported.
- Latest Version: 2.7a Release Date: 2012/09/19 Notes for this version: - Now you can decrypt 6.3X and up EBOOT.BIN - You can extract hidden modules from any DATA.PSP including 6.xx - decrypt.
- How to use it: 1. Extract the File(s) you need from your gamesave 2. Load the File(s) into the Tool 3. Decrypt the File(s) (its saved automatically) 4. Mod what you need to 5. Encrypt the File(s) (its saved automatically) 6.
- Feb 27, 2018 D3 Decrypter Ps3 Download 3,8/5 4660 reviews Here you can download free d3 decrypter shared files found in our database: decrypter.rar mediafire.com toontrack superior drummer v2 0 d3 DepositFiles toontrack.
Nov 21, 2018 A script to encrypt/decrypt and modify Diablo III saves. This script is a WIP for modifying Xbox One, PS4, and Switch saves for Diablo III. An example of how to mod gold would work like this (this is the only thing implemented ATM).

Section by: DJM76
Step 1: transferring saves from console to PC
Stuff you need to start
- You will need a PS3 or Xbox 360
- You will need a copy of Diablo 3 for your console
- Download the RoS-PS3-Decrypter-Tool.zip from this site in the downloads section
- Download the D3 save editor fro mthe downloads section on this site
- A USB drive / flash drive / Thumb drive or external drive of some kind
OK now that you have everything you need, follow these easy to do steps.

- Put your USB drive into your system
- launch the game, once you are in game, lets say you only want 2 modded characters, 1 softcore and 1 hardcore.
- Start the game with your character of choice for softcore, play up till the guy at the gate gives you the quest and lets you into the town,
- once in the town you will see the save icon in the top right of the screen, once its gone, its safe to save and quit to character select.
- Now complete step 3 for all other characters you want to mod.
- Once you have completed step 3 for all characters you want to mod, its now safe to quit the game and go to the save data folder.
- Now copy the Diablo 3 RoS save file to your USB drive.
- Take the usb drive and place it into your PCs usb slot.
- Now go to the directory of you usb drive, then the folder PS3>SAVEDATA>BLUS31437-AUTOSAVE, at this point it is a good idea to make a backup of the save file by archiving it, via zip right click on the folder BLUS31437-AUTOSAVE and click 'ADD TO Archive', this will archive the save file in case you mess it up and have to replace it.
*The editor makes an auto backup in the opened directory
Step 2: Enhancing your characters stats
- Once you have made a backup of your save or moved the auto backup to somewhere safe, its time to open the file in the RoS decrypter tool.
- Once you have loaded the save file into the decrypter, press 'DECRYPT', that's it for now.
- OK, now that the file is open and able to be edited, open up the D3 save editor and login to the program, if you haven't subscribed to the program yet, you will need to click the LOGIN button then click the 'purchase activation ID' link, this will take you to the site to purchase a license.
- Once you have logged into the program, click file in the top left and click open, now navigate to the directory with the Diablo 3 RoS save files in it, click any of the 3 options, it doesn't matter, they will all open the correct file for editing.
- with the save file now loaded, first go to the 'ACCOUNT', now in these tabs this is what you will change for now.
(general) flags = 1012
(normal and hardcore tabs) paragon level = anything above 800 is fine for now, max of 20k - stash = should be done in game - blood shard = not sure if there's a max, i did 100k
(normal and hardcore stash tabs) Click new item, then highlight 'NEW' and on the right, click the GBID and navigate to the 'JUNK', find 'GOLD1', click save item changes, now go to the properties tab, where it says 'QUANTITY' add an amount such as 99,999,999. - ok lets say you made 6 characters, 3 softcore and 3 hardcore, first you will need to do is make one of each a level 69, the other 2 on each difficulty can be 70. You need to make a level 69 to go kill 1 enemy to ding 70 to open certain modes. *you can leave all characters level 1 if you choose to.
- at this point you can make a dummy set of armor for now, nothing special just junk gear, with stats just for the level 69 on both SC and HC, so they don't die when going to kill something for level 70, trust me, on normal difficulty at level 69 mobs will still kill you without gear. *make sure you put paragon points into everything, 1 point into each stat is all that's needed for now
- Now transfer your save file back to the ps3 or xbox 360 and go spend your paragon points on all your characters and go kill something to get 70 on the level 69 characters on both SC and HC mode.
- Now that you are done spending paragon points and getting the others to 70, save and quit and transfer the save back to the PC, now its time to make some armor and weapons.
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Section by: rukdog
In this thread I will be talking about what I've learnt through using the visual tab over the past year or so. Also, please make sure to always backup your save when messing with the raw tab, and never be afraid to change values in the raw tab even if your 99% sure your game will corrupt.
Metallic/Chrome armour look
This one is pretty straight forward. First of all, as far as i know, you can only transmog the witch doctor's actual gear to be chrome, I may be wrong about this, so tell me. (Use the testing_art_6 stuff for chrome gear for witch doctor)
However, for every character, you can go to visual tab and transmog all their armour to be the marauder's set. This will give that character the 'chrome' look. Here is a picture of the visual tab of one of my chrome looking characters.
For chrome demon hunter transmog all gear to the Helltooth set (Credits to speeddave for telling me this^^).
NOTE: equipping any armour on will make the chrome look disappear.
If you want to dye the chrome look and get some cool colours as well, go to raw tab for character, underneath digest go to visual_equipment, as shown in the image below.
Now, the dyes will not effect the chrome look the way you would normally want it too.
Here are some dyes i normally use and what the resulting colour looks like:
14 - White'ish blue.
7 - Gold
5 - Pink
In order to change the dye of an item in the visual_item tab, simply change the number in the 'dye_type' box.
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For example, the dye of my monk's pants in this image is 14, so therfore it will appear as a white'ish blue color when i load into the game.
Ok, so you want to add a lightning effect to the helmet of your character?
1.make sure in the visual tab you have a helmet equipped, otherwise the effect won't show.
2.go the raw tab of the character and under digest, go to visual_equipment.
3.the helmet of the character is the first one, as shown in the image below.
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in the image shown above, on my helmet, I have a lightning effect set on it. Make sure that effect_level is set to 5.
here is a list i made of the effect ID's: Google Spread Sheet of effects
You can only add effects to your character's helmet, shoulders, weapon, offhand.