How To Download Swiss Pdb Viewer On Mac

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PdbPdb viewer download

  • Linux

by N.Guex & T.Schwede

Linux x86 (we use the RedHat distribution)

Requested hardware:

  • Linux for x86 PC
  • X11R6 with at least 16bits
  • US Keyboard
  • 3 button mouse
Installation Procedure

Download DeepView (Swiss-PdbViewer):

Current Version:DeepView (Swiss-PdbViewer) v3.7sp5(4.5 Mb)

- Version 3.7 (SP5) requires
glibc-2.2 or higher, e.g. RH 8.x/9.x.
- I.e. this version will not run under RedHat 7.x
OpenGL libraries
- openmotif-2.2.2

If you are running RedHat 7.x or similar systems, please use one of the previous versions:
Swiss-PdbViewer v3.7 (4.6 Mb, RH 7.x)

Old versions:
Swiss-PdbViewer v3.7b2 (stable Beta version, 6.0 Mb)
Swiss-Pdb Viewer (v36b3) (Beta version)
Swiss-PdbViewer v3.5


tar xzf spdbv3.x-Linux.tar.gz



If you have problems installing spdbv, see 'FAQ: Installing Swiss Pdb Viewer' for technical details. If you are using remote display (which is not recommended), please note that OpenGL/glut must be installed on the remote machine.

Please, note that the keys and shortcuts will best match the user guide for the Mac version, not for the PC version. However, the Control-Key is mapped to the right Alt Key. The middle mouse button can be used to move the molecule, and the right mouse button can be used to zoom in/out.

The Linux version is a port of the Macintosh version done using a preliminary release of Latitude for Linux kindly made available by Metrowerks Inc. We wish to thank Kevin Buetner for his support, and Greg Galanos for allowing us to release a version of Swiss-PdbViewer that makes use of Latitude.

[last modified: July 2003 by TS]
How To Download Swiss Pdb Viewer On MacPdb

Swiss-PdbViewer; Swiss-PdbViewer for Mac Free. Swiss-PdbViewer is tightly linked to SWISS-MODEL. What's new in version 4.0.1. Swiss-PDB Viewer 4.0.1的使用组别:G08 报告人:屈平平 组员:史学晖、李晓.PDB file 2.也可以在打开PdbViewer 之后再直接 把 文件拖进去即可 说明. Free Download Swiss-PdbViewer for Mac 4.1.0.

Pdb Viewer Download


Swiss Pdb Viewer 4.1.0

  1. Swiss-PdbViewer is a free and cross-platform scientific software application for analyzing multiple proteins concurrently. You will be able to view and analyze protein and nucleic acid structures from a friendly user-interface. In order to compare the active sites of the proteins, they can be superimposed.
  2. Swiss-PdbViewer (aka DeepView) is an application that provides a user friendly interface allowing to analyze several proteins at the same time.

How To Download Swiss Pdb Viewer On Mac

by N.Guex & T.Schwede
Important note:

Join the Swiss-PdbViewer Discussion Group: You can use this forum for sharing ideas, questions, and concerns about Swiss-PdbViewer and its applications in research, teaching, and publishing.

The current stable version is 3.7.

We have just added a few new tutorial pages that explain some of the new features:

  • how to compute molecular surfaces,
  • electrostatic potentials and
  • how to perform energy minimization directly from the program.
  • support for hardware stereo, and also openGL on the PC instead of Quickdraw3D.
  • Scripting Language: The DeepView scripting language supports variables, conditional branching, loops, arrays and file access.
  • Direct Server support: You may import PDB or ExPDB files, SwissProt entries etc. into Swiss-Pdb Viewer directly from the network.
  • OpenGL support for Mac.
  • The Find dialog has been improved (PROSITE pattern search) allowing for mismatches.

Now download the MacPCSGILinux version:

Microsoft Windows

[last modified: 06. Jun. 2003 by T.S.]

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